Clinical trials at the Göttingen Comprehensive Cancer Center

For some patients, traditional cancer therapies do not show the desired effect. While there are promising new substances, they often lack approval as a treatment yet. The Göttingen Comprehensive Cancer Center tests these new substances using clinical trials.
The goal of clinical trials is the establishment of new medications and/or treatment protocols. The process begins in Phase I and Phase II trials. Further Phase III trials then allow comparison of the new treatment to the current standard treatment, leading to assessment of efficiency and tolerance. Only after fulfilling all these conditions, a new medicine or treatment protocol can receive approval and a license.
To ensure legal compliance and professional quality, we work in close cooperation with the UMG Study Center at University Medical Center Göttingen [German]. The UMG Study Center supports researchers during planning, financing, conduction, analysis and publications of clinical trials. All trials require approval of the ethics commission. If you have questions or are interested in taking part in a clinical trial, please direct your questions towards the contact listed for the trial of interest.
The numerous clinical trials conducted at the Göttingen Comprehensive Cancer Center allow interested and suitable patients access to possible treatments of tomorrow. Thus, many patients have an additional option to receive a modern and quality assured treatment through clinical trials. A list of all current clinical trials is available on the Clinical Trial Platform of the Comprehensive Cancer Center Lower Saxony [German].
Clinical Trial Platform of the Comprehensive Cancer Center Lower Saxony (CCC-N)

The online database summarizes all clinical studies conducted at the University Medical Center Göttingen (UMG) and the Medical School Hannover (MHH), as well as their cooperation clinics and offices, in a clear and structured way. The goals of this platform includes improvement of information exchange structures between the locations and easing communication between patients, study centers and local medical staff. Users can search for specific studies with several filter functions, which include disease stage, organ, molecular markers, age, clinical trial phase, clinical trial status, and location.